The 12 Songs from City Island Soundtrack are Marooned without an Album

City Island is one of those movies that not a lot of people will see but everyone should. It’s not the funniest movie of the year, but it’s damn funny. It’s not the best soundtrack of the year, but it has some good tunes. I enjoyed both.

The score from Jan A.P. Kaczmarek sometimes wanders too close to the score from The Godfather with all that accordion woven into the mix, but it pulls itself back from the brink with a couple songs from The Staples Singers and a couple versions of both “One Lie Leads to Another” as well as “Carmen Habanera.”

Here’s all 12 songs from City Island. It’s a sliver of music about as wide as the island itself, but there are a few jewels in there for muscle-suckers and clam-diggers alike.

Original music for City Island – Jan A.P. Kaczmarek

~ by montelutz on May 3, 2010.

8 Responses to “The 12 Songs from City Island Soundtrack are Marooned without an Album”

  1. Thanks for the list. It was a soundtrack definitely lost on the cutting room floor. What a shame!

  2. P.S. Great website!

  3. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Loved the movie and the soundtrack.

  4. what is the song playing at the strip club when the daughter gets caught strippimng?

  5. So there is a piece of music that plays a lot in this film, for instance when the neighbor invites the son to go shopping. what is the name of that song?

  6. Thank you so much! None of these songs were listed on Amazon or IMDb. You the man!

  7. city island was a great movie we need more like that one i give it a five star great family movie !!!

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