All 8 Songs from the X-Men First Class Soundtrack

There are 8 songs in X-Men First Class, primarily consisting of music from the 60s, including music from Freddy Cannon, The Jarmels, Booker T & the MGs and Chan Ramero. The dance scene with Angel also features a Gnarls Barkely song that’s a throwback to the era.

The music suits the movie. I particularly enjoyed Palisades Park and Hippy Hippy Shake, which play at the casino towards the beginning of the movie and when everyone’s dancing and breaking chairs after they picked their X-Men names.

As for the movie itself, it’s easily the best since the original, and maybe even better than that one. The backstory of the characters, the dynamic between them and the entire series of training sequences were awesome. James McAvoy and Michael Fassbender were great as foils. You almost felt for Magneto, which is quite a feat. People laughed the first time Kevin Bacon showed up on screen, but he pulled it off. January Jones did not.

The soundtrack album for X-Men First Class features the score by Henry Jackman, but skips the other songs from the movie. However, you can find all 8 songs from X-Men First Class here, along with notes on the scenes they were in and downloads for them.

Here’s Green Onions. You know you know the keyboard riff from this one:

The Hippy Hippy Shake:

~ by montelutz on June 11, 2011.

4 Responses to “All 8 Songs from the X-Men First Class Soundtrack”

  1. i wanted dat backround of magneto

  2. please if ane can help me out…

  3. Muchas gracias por dar a conocer las canciones 🙂

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