All 16 Songs from the Cop Out Soundtrack

The movie Cop Out has 16 songs in it, but only one of them is on the soundtrack album released by the studio. It’s a strange mix, but one that fits the film. The soundtrack includes the theme songs from Knight Rider and Fletch as well as the Spanish version of Insane in the Membrane and Black Betty by Ram Jam, which can be found on an album called Mullet Rock. But it doesn’t stop there. Cop Out also features music from Poison, the Beastie Boys, Run DMC and Eric B & Rakim.

Update: But the funniest part of the music experience that is Cop Out, is that Kevin Smith called on Harold Faltermeyer to recreate the buddy cop/intrepid investigator movie music vibe from 80s classics such as Beverly Hills Cop and Fletch. It kept on cracking me up through the entire movie. The irony of Bruce Willis and Tracy Morgan debating the word “homage” just before playing the first homage to 80s buddy cop synthesizer music was perfect.  The whole movie wasn’t perfect, but that part was.

Throw in a little Wang Chung (Dance Hall Days, which I actually much prefer to the Wang Chung standard Everybody Have Fun Tonight) and you have quite a musical mix. Not to mention, there’s “Soul Brother” by Patti LaBelle, the only song from the movie that’s actually on the soundtrack album for Cop Out.

Here’s the complete list of songs from Cop Out. Hope you enjoy. Update 2: I’ve added the scenes that I remember off the top of my head and will post additional scene info when I review my notes.

Original music for Cop Out – Harold Faltermeyer

~ by montelutz on February 27, 2010.

14 Responses to “All 16 Songs from the Cop Out Soundtrack”

  1. How about the song by KRS-One, The Sound of the Police?, what this song part of the movie or just the trailer?

  2. Awesome Help!!!!!!!!

  3. Umm, i couldn’t find the song which when the Black cop is going to interrogate the prisoner. is a bit of a electonic song

  4. […] El soundtrack de Dos Inútiles en Patrulla cuenta con temas en su mayoría de la década de los ochenta. Hay de todo para escoger, rock, rap, pop y música de sintetizadores. Algo interesante es que la canción oficial de la cinta fue compuesta por Harold Faltermeyer; tal vez el nombre no diga mucho, pero él fue quien creó el archiconocido tema de Axl Foley enBeverly Hills Cop. Las 16 canciones que conforman la banda sonora de Cop Out están AQUÍ: Soundtrack […]

  5. UH OH!!! You missed Stephanie Mill’s song from the movie Fletch, which is called “Bit By Bit”!! This song is played at the end of Cop Out.

  6. Thanks for this; just watched the movie and planned to go to itunes to download two songs only to see that the soundtrack wasn’t what was played in the movie – so damn annoying. Thanks for your list!

  7. i don’t speak english but men deberias subir la de black betty si puedes or man would you up the black betty song??

  8. do u know where to download all the complete songs??

  9. […] Most gyógyulásom segítendő, vígjátékokat nézek csak, ma került sorra a Két kopper (Cop Out) c. film, melyben a zsarupárost Bruce Willis és Tracy Morgan alakítja, nagyon szórakoztató film, olyan jókat nevettünk. A film zenéjéről bővebben: itt […]

  10. What about the song in the middle of the film, where Debbie and Henry is out with the garbage at morning, or, Paul is eventually thinking alot of it, while laying on the beach, infront of that house

  11. I thought I heard the Depeche Mode instrumental called “Uselink.” It’s on the Ultra Album.

  12. t’aurais pu mettre toute les vidéos de toutes les chansons

  13. thanks so much man u ledgend thumbs up

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