All 10 Songs from the Son of Rambow Soundtrack

This is a semi-oldie (circa 2007) but definitely a goodie. I recently saw Son of Rambow and loved it. While it took me a while to pull together the post, it is a movie, and a soundtrack that is definitely worth writing about. It’s the story of a couple odd couple kids who decide to make a homemade, and quite ridiculous, action movie to pass the time on their strange little lives.

The movie is set in the 80s and has a brilliant soundtrack from the period, featuring The Cure, Nu Shooz, Gary Numan, Souxsie and the Banshees, Duran Duran, Depeche Mode and more. Any movie with this mix of songs is certainly worth a whirl. I promise you – you will not be disappointed. And the best part is, because Son of Ranbow has been out for a while, it’s super easy to get your hands on it. All you have to do is add it to your queue for Netflix streaming.

So what are you waiting for? Dig out some neon leg warmers for this black comedy about coming of age in an age of excess and depression, misfits and loss, cults and cult followings. And don’t forget to brush up on your French. Didier will be ever so proud.

Here’s the complete list of songs from Son of Ranbow with notes on the scenes they were in. There also are four other songs from the soundtrack album that are not in the movie.

Original music for Son of Ranbow – Joby Talbot

Extra songs on the album that aren’t in the movie:

~ by montelutz on December 30, 2010.

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