All 39 Songs from the Country Strong Soundtrack

There are 39 songs in Country Strong but only 13 on the soundtrack album. You can find all of the songs from Country Strong as well as information about the scenes they were in in the movie here. I’ve been able to identify almost all of the scenes.

Even though I’m from Texas, I’m far from being the world’s biggest country music fan, but there are some great country songs in Country Strong, starting with Garrett Hedlund’s version of “Silver Wings” that opens the movie.

I also really enjoyed “Chances Are” as well as the “Give In To Me” duet between Garrett Hedlund and Leighton Meester.

For me, their music was more of a star of the movie than Gwyneth’s songs. This surprised me a bit because I was actually, strangely excited to see hear Gwyneth’s songs. In fact, I have to admit that I was making fun of this movie until I saw Gwyneth on Glee. She was awesome on Glee, and I thought to myself, well, maybe this won’t be so awful after all.

When I saw that Country Strong has 39 songs in it, the soundtrack addict in me started to get a bit excited for the movie.

I was at CES all last week so it took me a little while to pull together all of the info on the scenes that the songs are in, but here they are. I hope you enjoy the music from Country Strong.

Original music – Original music for Country Strong – Michael Brook

11 of the 39 songs from Country Strong are on the soundtrack album. There are also two versions of songs from the movie sung by other artists that are included on the album.

~ by montelutz on January 12, 2011.

20 Responses to “All 39 Songs from the Country Strong Soundtrack”

  1. […] This post was mentioned on Twitter by Monte Lutz. Monte Lutz said: new post: All 39 Songs from the Country Strong Soundtrack […]

  2. Wow; this is the closest list of 99.9% of the songs/music in Country Strong. There’s one more, in the opening scene of the movie that’s in the background, no vocals just piano. Any clue to the title. Thanks.

  3. Why did they put Faith Hill signing give into me instead of the original?? Totally ruined me buying the soundtrack..

  4. how do i join

  5. Thorough list. Good job!

  6. I’ve been looking for the song in the very beginning of the movie!! Any ideas???

  7. How can we get the whole soundtrack with the movie people like this in a cd…I agree with everyone else when you buy a soundtrack cd it should be the people who actually sang..back ground music is a different story…thank you Enjoyed the moive tons…LOVE IT

    • I have been looking for them as well and will post them if I can find the files. The soundtrack album does not take into account how popular the actual songs from the movie were.

    • How can I get the whole soundtrack with the movie people like this in a c.d. who actually sang..Best part of movie “Leighton & Garrett” Love them together!

  8. The second sound track “More Music From Country Strong” actually features the singers from the movie!


  9. FYI, there’s a 2nd soundtrack too. It’s called Country Strong (More Music from the Motion Picture). A lot of the cast songs are on that CD.

  10. how can I down load the original songs from the movie / not the soundtrack cd that sucks!!!!

  11. the only fault of the soundtrack is that its not the people in the film singing. the biggest mistake was not including garrett and liegton singing friends in low places… cant find a copy of it anywhere so i ripped it from the film score… shame… they smoke together…. and gwyneth actually can sing !

  12. I liked the song Steal You Away by Matt Fleenor…. I can’t even google the song!! Really? How do I find that song? Thanks!

  13. this list is great! I want these songs. I don’t like that the soundtrack has Faith Hill singing Give In To Me not the 2 from the movie. 😦

  14. Only one correction: the song that Kelly sings and dances when he’s drunk in the bar is Keep On Smiling – Wet Willie.

    I love all these songs, it’s a amazing movie. No words to action of Gwyneth .. Garrett .. Leighton and Tim. Just Perfect.

    Congratulations for the site.

  15. Very good brother, the Hayes carll
    was just the intro of the song, no lyrics, I thought I was crazy, so I had to check, what song was the Waylon quote from at the end in her letter

  16. Can I get a cd of the 39 songs from country strong?

  17. 39 songs from the soundtrack country strong.

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