All 45 Songs from the Just Go With It Soundtrack

There are 45 songs on the Just Go With It Soundtrack, but none are on the soundtrack album because they did not release one. We’ve pulled all of the songs together for your listening pleasure, with downloads for most of them. Here’s the basic formula for the soundtrack. It’s a mix most every romantic pop song that broke the top 10 in 2010, combined with a dozen Hawaiian classics and a healthy dose of songs from The Police. Just Go With It features Sean Kingston, B.O.B., Mike Posner, Rihanna and Snow Patrol just to name a few.

Not that that’s a bad thing. I like the majority of these songs. But it feels a bit like Now That’s What I Call 2010. If you kicked off a relationship in the past year, then this is probably just the right mix of music to take you down memory lane. In fact, you might even find yourself flashing back and forth between your life and scenes from the movie. If you flashback at just the right time, you will remember Madcon’s “Beggin” which was also featured in Step Up 3D. This is my favorite song among the mix. It plays when they are at the waterfall.

There are quite a few mash-ups of the Police songs in the movie, including a mix of Roxanne (Police) and You Should be Dancing (Bee Gees). I’m looking for a more comprehensive list of the mashups. In the meantime, here’s the video for Roxanne Should Be Dancing.

I also never get tired of “Waiting in Vain” by Annie Lennox. It was featured in Serendipity, but that was almost a decade ago. It’s about time the song made its way back into a romantic comedy.

As for the movie itself, I have an unhealthy addiction to Adam Sandler movies, of the 50 First Dates, Wedding Singer and Click variety, as well as the Happy Gilmore, Waterboy and Billy Madison variety, so I’m probably not an objective viewer. Critics may have thrashed it, but I always laugh like crazy, so I always say Just Go See It.

Here’s the complete list of all 45 songs from Just Go With It. They didn’t release a soundtrack album, so I hope this list helps piece the musical elements of the movie together for you.

Here’s the original video for Every Breath You Take by The Police:

Followed by the mashup of Every Breath You Take with Chasing Cars by Snow Patrol. The mashup is called Every Car You Chase.

And one more song from Just Go With It including B.O.B. Lovelier Than You:

~ by montelutz on February 12, 2011.

6 Responses to “All 45 Songs from the Just Go With It Soundtrack”

  1. I just watched the Movie and I WANT!!! the soundtrack Can you tell me where I can get my hands on it?

  2. … a great film with a lot of interesting songs, thank you for your work .. greetings

  3. How do i dowmload the songs from Just go with it to my ipod
    not a techy at all but love the songs from the movie

  4. Hi can anybody help me by finding “Stars in the morning sky” By Hapa, one of the songs on the sountrack????please, please, cool, ta.

  5. Please can you release all these remixes from the movie. I think they are excellent. Great job guys 🙂 love it….u rock

  6. Where can I find the MIX version of Snow Patrol and The Police. I don’t want them separately.
    The soundtrack only has the songs individually …. why they do this?

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